Sunday, May 31, 2009


Today we went to a BBQ with several people Curtis works with. These were the same group of people that threw us our welcome party when we first got here so you may recognize some of the faces. The BBQ was somewhere in the mountains about an hour from our house so a couple guys came and picked us 7:00 AM!!! Anyway, as you will see in the pics that follow, we had many different foods to eat.

This is a fresh tuna fish head! Can you believe how BIG it is!!! They boiled it at we ate the meat.

And, of course, this is the tuna's eyeball and...yes...Curtis ate it!!! He said it was chewy. Mmmm!

I took some homemade chocolate chip cookies and brownies (good old Betty Crocker from the states..shhhhh) and they were quite a hit!

The kids had a great time painting on some cement blocks, playing with sparklers, and shooting waterguns.

We had a really good time and the Japanese were, as usual, very hospitable and tried very hard to make us feel comfortable. Gotta love'm for that!


Aunt Pat said...

OMG, Curtis, please tell me you did NOT eat that fish eyeball!
You are just not right boy! You need to go on Fear Factor. Other than that & the fish head the picnic looked like a fun thing. I'm sorry I missed Avery's call Friday night. I was here but didn't get the phone in time. I know MaSam was happy about it anyway. LOL! Give Avery a big big hug for me.....much love to all

Anonymous said...

Seems like ya`ll had a good week-end. Curtis, you will try anything,I guess that`s what makes life interesting, but some things are just off limits.This being one of them. It is getting hot here in Tennessee now, this being the first day of June. Is Avery out of school yet? I think all schools are out here now. I hear all the kids made A`s. I know Avery did well too. Love to all. The GRANDS on Desplane Dr.

Nana and Papa said...

Oh, I wish I could have been there! It looked like so much fun and you know I would have tried any of it. Not to say I would have asked for more or would have finished it. Dad and I have been staying very busy with the Miata Club and all the outings. We will be going to MS this weekend - Gary & Star flew in last night and stayed with us and drove down in their van that we were "storing". Yes, our yard looked like a car lot at times! Love you all and miss you terribly. I think dad finally has our Skye working, so call us sometime. Nana