Monday, November 17, 2008

It's Here! It's Here!

Our sea shipment finally arrived today at 10:40 am. The movers were excellent and took such great care in handling our stuff. They laid blankets down on the floors, put bubble wrap on walls and door facings, and took their shoes off every time they entered the house...even when carrying heavy furniture.

I set Avery's room up first so she could be surprised when she got home from school. Once she saw her toys and stuffed animals, she was THRILLED! She played in her room with her stuff for about 2 hours before coming out to check on us. I think she is even excited about sleeping in her own bed in her own room. About 6:00 this evening she came out of her room and said "mommy, I got my bed ready for going to sleeping, come see." I walked in the room and she had turned down the covers as if she were ready to go to bed right then.

Curtis was also excited. He couldn't wait to take his bike for a spin. Literally...couldn't wait. The movers had been gone for about 20 minutes and he was off! Then once Avery took a break from playing... both her and daddy went for a bike ride. But not before organizing the living room!

As for me...well, I absolutely can not wait to climb into my bed with my beloved body pillow! I have set up Avery's room, all the bathrooms, and almost done with our bedroom. The kitchen...well...still has a lot of work to be done. They wrapped every little thing...including the box of toothpicks. I will be very busy this week!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you all! I know this will make things so much more like home and comfortable. Nothing like a good nights rest to make life much better. Trust me - I know. Malachi and Jonah both slept through the night last night which was first in a long long, long time. Girl - we miss you.

Anonymous said...

Well, did I beat Pat to another comment??? She's slippin', but again she's getting old!!!

Congrats on getting your house in order. I know it's more "like home" now, huh? Have you seen Curtis yet??? You might want to put a tracking device on his Bike to keep up with him!

Love y'all, Philbert

Unknown said...

Woohoo! I was wondering why you haven't called me this week! Those poor movers, I can't believe how thorough and particular they were. So can Curtis ride his bike to work now? Tell everyone I said Hi and miss you guys.

Aunt Pat said...

YIPPPEEEE!!! Now you can really be "at home" in Japan, I know y'all are excited. As I write this you have already had your first good night sleep with your beloved body pillow - was it great or what? Oh, did Curtis sleep with his bike? HaHaHa! Y'all are way too funny. Can't wait to see you all......Much Love!