Saturday, September 27, 2008

We Made It!

We finally made it! Avery did so well on the flights! We couldn't have asked for her to be any better. We arrived in Tokyo about 4:15 (Japan time), got through immigration, got our luggage, went through customs, and finally arrived at our house at 6:30pm (Japan time). We went to the local super market (The OK Super) to get toilet paper and juice. Avery was so excited to see WHOLE fish for sale in the store. She wanted to buy some and take them home. We had to explain that they were dead and for people to eat. She said "we eat fish don't we" and I told her yes, but I didn't have the heart to tell her that our fish usually doesn't look back at us.

Currently it is 4:47am here and we are all WIDE awake....welcome jet lag! We are going out today to get some essentials. Our realtor is taking us to a store to get some inexpensive home items to get us through until our sea shippment arrives this November. More to come the way...our house is beautiful inside. I can't wait for everyone to see it.

Lots of love!


Sam said...

Congrats on making it to Japan! I just happened upon your blog and enjoyed reading it!! You are so lucky to be able to be there! Must be amazing!!!

Good luck with everything !

Carla said...

That's what I worried about the most, was the flight. Now I can relax knowing ya'll arrived safely. Avery looks mighty relaxed and Curtis is having way too much fun :) :)

Love ya'll very much!!

Corynn said...

Ed and I are so glad that you guys made it safely! Were you guys first class? The seats looked huge! Good luck finding stuff for your new house. We can't wait to see pictures when you get them posted! Love you all!

Aunt Pat said...

So happy y'all are on solid ground & had a good trip. Avery, you are such a big girl for making that long plane ride. I bet it was fun, wasn't it? Love the pic of Curtis listening to what apparently must be the Mexican Hand Jive...LOL! I'm anxously awaiting to hear about all the fun things that we will be doing. I don't know what "konichiwa" so I'll just say - bless you! hehehe.
Love you guys so much...take care.

Anonymous said...

So thankful you made it safely! Here is the link to the information page on the Park Ave church's website about Masa and Riki Nonogaki, Japanese minister we know. They meet near the Yokota Air Force Base.

You will be missed but I know you will be a blessing to the Christians in Japan!

God bless, Marla

Lance n Donna said...

I am glad you guys made is safe. I hope you get settled and Avery's first day of school goes where. I forgot to ask when she started? Can you walk to grocery store from your apartment? I will check in again soon. Love lance and donna

Unknown said...

I'm glad you guys made it safely and have fun adventuring around!
Love and miss you all!

Tony Baggett said...

Sam is a good reason to watch what information you provide. I clicked on her picture; I don't think you guys know her!!!
Glad your there safe. Guess Curtis did a great job on selecting that house, huh? We'll be talking to you via SKYPE soon.
Love ya'll

Mom and Dad

The Brewers said...

Thanks for all the comments guys. I'll try to answer most of the questions/ comments without posting a new topic (I don't know if that's proper or not as I'm a beginner blogger)

We were in business class the whole way over, which was nice. The seats reclined almost completely flat and each seat had it's own TV with video on demand.

Deana actually snapped that photo while I was attemping to put my hands behind my head, but I'll agree with you Aunt Pat, I look like a goof. I bet if I had taken that picture of Deana, she wouldn't have let me post it :)

Marla, thank you for the website information. I've checked out the website and I think that will be a big help in finding a church over here.

Avery's school is about 4 or 5 blocks from our house. We have an appointment there on Tuesday. I believe the web site is

In regards to locations of our surroundings, we are less than a block from the grocery store, about a half mile from the movie theater, Reb Lobster (Red Robster) is across the street as is the post office. This place is actually quite convenient to everything except the trwin station, but we can catch a bus or taxi to get us there fairly easy.

Keep the comments coming! Thanks for keeping up with us.

Phil said...

Hey kids, we are so glad y'all made it ok. We are looking forward to Skypin' with y'all soon!!! Avery, papa misses you real bad...and of course I miss your Mom & Dad. Nana & I love you and are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Y'all take care, Papa