Well, we got out and adventured a little. We started out our day with a good American breakfast from Denny's that is about 4 blocks from our house. They have the best french toast and scrambled eggs I have had. Curtis had a breakfast plate that had scrambled eggs, bacon, a hot dog, and salad on it...yes you read that right. He said it was really good!
Curtis showed me how to navigate the train station...needless to say...I need more practice. We went into Yokohama City and toured around a little. We road a HUGE farris wheel that was part of a permanant carnival park outside the Land Mark Tower. I've included pics of the tower from the ground and from the farris wheel (also included in the pics). There is a ship in the canal there that they do a show on. We caught the middle of it. The Japanese crew climb up the lines to pull up the sails...it was neat.
We then went to Motomachi there is good shopping. All the shops were having a huge sale so the streets and stores were more crowded than normal (see pic).
We then went to meet up with our contacts and friends in Japan, The Clark family. We had an American meal consisting on chicken, green beans, mac n' cheese, and mashed potatoes prepared by Michelle. I tried to help and burned my hand VERY badly. So I had to stand aside. I had to use my Japanese "point" book in the Pharmacy to get some burn medicine. My point book is a book that you can use to point at things you need that has the Japanese writting on it. Worked like a charm! I wished it had of worked for me at the McDonald's I stopped at to get some ice for my hand on the way home. I had a bag of ice from the Clark's house that I was using but it melted before I got home and the pain was so bad that I had to get more. Cutis told me to just go in and ask for a cup of ice (in McDonald's)....uhhh.... anyone know how to say that??? We didn't either. I stood at the counter in pain and tears trying to get this kid to understand that all I wanted was some ice. Finally, he got the manager and he finally figured out what I needed. Then I got my burn med. Just another day in Japan (hahaha).
Miss you all!
Whew, that was fun but boy am I tired now. Let's slow down a little bit - remember we're gonna be here for a year. And for some reason I'm pretty hungry too. Think I'll have some french toast, scrambled eggs & a hot dog. LOL!
I'm so glad you're having so much fun. Curtis, when do you start to work (remember what that is?)? Love all the pics, keep 'em coming & always know you are loved in Mississippi.
Deana,Deana, Don't make me come over there so soon,only been there three days and injured already.How bad is the burn? Do you need to go to the Doctor? Do not let it get infected. Keep me informed. I am glad you have some American food so you and Avery will not go hungry,love the pictures, I got to figured out how to get these at work everyone is asking for pictures.
When are you going to have you E-mail set up? Love you, and give Avery a kiss for me, and I guess Curtis to. Ha! Ha! I have a bone to pick with him.
Love you all,
I love reading the comments! They really give me a good laugh! Things will slow doen a little for the next few days because we have people coming in to set stuff up, so you can take a breather Aunt Pat :) Don't worry mom, the burn is doing better now and I will keep a close eye on it. I still have feeling in it so I don't think I damaged any nerves but I might have altered my finger print (hahaha). When I got up this morning it wasn't burning anymore and I only have two big blisters coming up on my index finger. Leave it to me huh? I love you all and miss you very much. Please keep the comments coming. Check your e-mails too. We should have our own modem tomorrow the 30th. Then we should be up and running on most things.---Deana
Hey Girl -
It so great to see your picture. You look happy. Can't believe Curtis let you stop in at "McDonalds". J/K. What is it with you and hurting yourself right when you move to a new place. Bless your heart. I miss you already.
Hey guys! Loved the pics and looks like there is a lot of cool stuff to do and see. Deana, I hope your finger gets better, I can just picture you in McDonalds trying to get ice! You could have drawn a picture, haha! I hope it feels better. Give everyone a hug and tell them I said Hi. Miss you all.
My dear Grandchildren, Sorry about yoour burn, take care like mom said. I have tried to send a mesage before but didn't know how. Your dad told me how,so I'm trying again. thanks for the pictures. I downloaded them to a special folder so I can keep track of them and for when you send more. When Will Skype be up and running? I sure hope it works really good. I got a camera tha will let you see all over the room downstairs so several people can be on at the same time, fireside chat sort of. We love ya, Grandmother and Granddaddy
WOW!Those pictures are so awesome! I (like TERESA) am so excited about going to visit you all. I made Dad get his passport picture made - 1 thing at a time. Next will be the application....
Hey, I finally convinced Steph and Chris to let me keep Dylan and Madison for one night - They were so good - certainly did not miss Mommy or Daddy! But did I tell you how tired I was by Saturday afternoon?
Deana, I hope your hand is much better. Avery, get Dad to send us a picture of you on your bike! Curtis - smart move not getting those "free" hugs. EVERYTHING comes with a price....
Guess Dad already told you that he bought me a new car - 2002 Gray Miata (just like his only gray). He sold the Red Miata. Sorry - I am rattling - Deana please be careful - you are so brave to venture out so much - this is a great opportunity for all of you. Avery, be sure to call to let me and Papa know about your new school. We want to hear all about it. We love you so much and miss you! Nana
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