Friday, December 5, 2008

Avery's Christmas Play

Deana and I had the opportunity to watch Avery and her classmates put on their Christmas performance. Thanks to the blessing of the internet and You Tube, you all can watch it as well. I experimented a bit with the download formats and video sizes because the first one I uploaded took FOREVER!! I hope it all turns out okay. The camera man is certainly NO professional, so try to keep complaints to a minimum please...


Aunt Pat, you'll have to cart Masam down to your house this weekend so she can watch it. I'll post some photos below for those of you that don't want (or have time) to watch the videos.


Avery and 3 of her classmates:

Avery, Mommy, and good friend Riko

Avery singing her Japanese songs:

Avery Playing her Christmas Instruments:

Santa's Helper and Rudolph:

YouTube Hyperlinks are below:

Playing Christmas Instruments

Singing Japanese Songs

The Christmas play (Part 1)

The Christmas play (part 2)

We Wish You a Merry Christmas


Aunt Pat said...

Well, that was the cutest thing I've seen lately. My favorite was Avery stirring the stew. I hope she will keep these memories with her always & not forget, since she is so young. This is just too special. Love you all & thanks for sharing. The audio was lacking but I'm figuring it's much better on your camera. We'll have to watch & listen on the TV when we're all in a couple weeks.....yahhhh! MaSam will love this too! Don't forget to be good - Santa is watching!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww!!! I loved it!! I cannot wait for you guys to come home. Love you all. Aunt Tessi

Anonymous said...

Great Video man! Don't quit your day job though! Lol. Avery, you are just a special little girl. Nana & I can hardly wait to give you a big ole hug!!! We love you and will be glad when you get here. Love Nana & Paw Paw